Did you know that you never need to see the inside of a courtroom when you get a divorce? As courts have become more impacted and the cost of getting a divorce has risen, separating spouses want a better way to sever their marital ties. Perhaps even more then the financial cost of a divorce, long drawn-out legal battles between spouses take a serious emotional toll on families.
Many parties know from the start that they will reach an out of court agreement to the issues in their marriage. They may have already spoken to one another and discussed parenting plans and how they will divide their assets. You know your family, your assets and your goals better than anyone. Choose an attorney that will help you achieve your goals through collaboration not litigation.
This process only works when the parties trust each other and agree to compromise when they disagree.
It is imperative that the parties hire attorneys who also recognize the benefits of uncontested dissolution and are willing to working together to arrive at solutions for their clients.
At CKLH, we believe in the power of negotiation to achieve our client’s goals.
We take pride in helping clients strengthen, not break, their family ties while ensuring that their legal rights are protected, and their future is secure.
Call Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde at (714) 997-7870 today to achieve a peaceful dissolution through the uncontested divorce process, or click here to reach us by email.
To speak with an experienced attorney in Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde’s family law practice, please call (714) 997-7870, or click here to contact us by email.
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