
Even if the process is amicable, divorce can be one of life’s most stressful events. With so many major changes taking place, it’s easy to forget to update your estate plan—or simply put it off until it’s too late. However, neglecting to update your estate plan for divorce can have potentially tragic consequences. And you...
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After the excitement of Valentine’s Day fades away and the last indulgence of chocolate is savored, it’s crucial to turn our attention to a topic that may not be as thrilling as the idea of everlasting love: the reality that all relationships come to an end one day. Before you stop reading, hear me out....
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California is a community property state, which means that after you exchanged your vows, all income generated by you and your spouse is shared equally between you. Agreements, inheritance or separate property may change the equation but generally, your spouse owns half of your business. The California courts have determined that the labors of one...
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How Are My Assets Divided During a Divorce?
There are many, many, questions that arise during a dissolution of marriage proceeding. Women who have not worked outside the home or whose job resulted in a smaller salary than their spouse often inquire as to how the property and money obtained during marriage will be divided. Some fear that they will only receive a...
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